Remarkable Granite Effect Tiles Supplier

granite effect tiles shopping center, which is produced and supplied in most parts of the country, has a thriving market. This stone is one of the best stones that have high quality and resistance, so it can be used in the facade of the building. In most cities of the country, there are centers for the production and purchase of granite, which are engaged in the production, distribution, and sale of this type of product around the clock. Today, due to the large use of this stone for construction work, people buy it from production centers and suppliers.

Remarkable Granite Effect Tiles Supplier

The Important Points of Choosing the Right Floor Stone

The Important Points of Choosing the Right Floor Stone

Stone is a beautiful natural material that is used in different parts of the building and in addition to making the building beautiful; It also gives a lot of value to the building. When building different parts of the building, including the floor, different materials will be in front of you, among which stone is one of the best and most durable.

Due to the fact that stone is a natural material, the properties and characteristics of different types are different from each other, which has led to the high importance of choosing the right stone for different applications, including flooring, because otherwise, people may suffer damages. Become irreparable. For example, if a stone with high water absorption is chosen incorrectly for the floor of the bathroom; Gradually, water penetrates into it and causes it to rot.

Therefore, it is better to consult with experts in this field before buying. In this article, we will explain the important points of choosing the right floor stone in different parts of the building. Finally, we will introduce you to different types of stone flooring.

Although this increases the weight of the building; Increases the strength and strength of the stone. That is why the most common types of stone flooring are granite, porcelain, marble, travertine and marble, respectively.

  • Compressive and abrasion resistance: The stone used on the floor is constantly exposed to pressure and wear. Therefore, it must have high compressive and abrasion resistance. The extent of this sensitivity varies depending on where it is located. For example, the floor stone of parking lots, outdoor areas or entrances of residential complexes and hotels, which are considered as busy places, should have more compressive and abrasion resistance than the floor stone of the living room of a residential unit.
  • Impact resistance of stone: A good floor stone must also have good impact resistance because otherwise it will be scratched over time and lose its beauty. Now, among all types of stones, granite has high strength and resistance and shows good resistance to impact and scratches.
  • Stone payment: Because the appearance and some technical characteristics of the stone, such as slip resistance, vary under the influence of different polishes; Choosing the right stone polish for the desired location is very important. In general, the floor stone is given less than the facade stone to prevent slipping. Now, since the sensitivity to non-slip stone in outdoor areas that are exposed to rain and moisture is much higher than the interior of the building; The amount of sub-stone is much less, so that on the floor stone of outdoor areas, mainly payments such as film and ax are made.

thick granite tile has a very high quality and beauty and this factor has increased sales.

What Makes Black Granite to Be a Good Choice in Construction?

What Makes Black Granite to Be a Good Choice in Construction? Buying black granite has recently become common, due to the scarcity of this stone, more cutting is done on a custom basis, so it is recommended to order and prepare black granite a little earlier so that you do not face any problems in construction.

Black granite is a family of igneous stones. Granite is one of the heaviest building stones in Iran that has different colors. As we have said, granite stones include various colors, including black, which have their fans among the stones and other granites.

This stone has a lot of sales due to its beauty and special color, reasonable price, and high quality, and people use it for stairs and floor stones of buildings, facades of houses, courtyards, and many other places. Features of black granite:

  • Very high density
  • super subwoofers
  • High abrasion resistance
  • High compressive strength
  • Very little water absorption 6 solid black colors, special and unique design

Because of the good features and beauty of this stone, people buy it today. Granite tiles wall always has a hot and prosperous market due to its beauty and high quality.

High-quality Granite Tiles in Bulk

High-quality Granite Tiles in Bulk The sale of black granite in the country’s market has been very significant due to its special beauty, and this type of stone is also offered online.

The price of some light black granites has been a bit more expensive, but due to its beauty and strength, it has the highest sales. These stones are very polished and beautiful after processing and it is possible to sell them through the same sales unit and agency online and in bulk and directly from the manufacturer.

Due to the very beautiful models of this stone and its extensive use in facades and construction works in the country and abroad, it has had high sales and due to its beauty, it has attracted people’s attention to buy. Contact our consultants to buy and find out the price of granite tiles sparkle.

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